I am a professionnal industrial programmer since 1994, present on Linkedin if you like to use this social network : Luis David Campos Venancio .
Started 3D-Printing in Toulouse, France in 2013 where I learnt all around REPRAP 3D-Printers.
2013 to 2016 : I worked with Artists at Mixart-myrys and Tournefeuille Mediatheque organizing workshops about open-source hardware (Arduino and RepRap) and software (Blender3D).
2017 to 2022 : Changed to Portugal where I sold many objects in festivals like FREEKUENCY 2017, Festival das Cores 2018 (Vila nova de santo andre) and even at the beach for tourists and friends at Melides restaurant "Ar de Mar". I was also present at Festival Musicas do Mundo 2018 and 2019.
During the COVID19 lockdown : Selling objects stopped working by lack of visibility.
2022 : Pause for financial rebuilding, learnt to be a Rural Fireman (Sapador Florestal).
I'm on more than 30 years of experience in computing since this year.
My diplomas are authentically from France, Versailles region at the Lycee Technique Agora - city of Puteaux (92000). I have them on paper if you want to check them or better CALL THEM and ask if they had a student called David Venancio. I have been one of their best students and got 17/20 in Mathematics, and 19/20 in technology, 15/20 in english for the Baccalaureat diploma.
The two years following my Baccalaureat were the BTS in Industrial Computing where I learnt ASM, C++ and installed SCO Unix for PC (the ancester of Linux and a UNIX system for IBM Personal Computers).
Electrotechnician and Industrial Computing Superior Technician.
That's it for now and don't hesitate to contact me.
You can order objects up to : 30cm x 30cm x 40cm