By Luis David Cam… | 2022/05/23 - 17:24

Work in progress. I will use this post to go forward on this really nice post from @pipix on twitter

I would like an open source hardware printer. With open source reusable printer cartridges. ❤️🌍🖨️#oshw

— Alicia Gibb (@pipix) May 11, 2022

Existing posts : (generally speaking about Paper Printers)

I think we might get out of this three solutions : Inkjet, LaserJet, Dot Matrix (from "Bananaramananabooboo" comment on reddit).

The resolution is a huge problem, and for sure, we won't compete with existing machines rapidly.

But if we never start, it will never exist ! Let's think "out of the box" !


I'll be searching for a moment. TTYL by updating this post.

What is that yet ? ;P

FYI : There's no paper printer on



About the #OSHW #opensource #paper #printer : It will use a @arduino Uno + Motor Shield. It's a 2D Machine (already done but not with a professional look and feel) quite easy to engineer. Y will be for the paper feed X will be for the print head (containing ink and a 9g servo small stepper)

2 or 3 LEDS should be enough to communicate with the user (no RGB needed) GEARS and the structural parts will be #3Dprinted Both X and Y need a Stepper Motor Inoxidable RODS will be used (maybe scraped) and bearings.

About the print head : if you people don't know the r0tring brand, check it out. : It's the more precise pens I have seen going down to 0.2mm. Guess what I have one right now (not working) and been learning conception with it.

So Yes, I'm going to order a kit of those ones and will keep you informed. Some rubber will be glued on the wheels in contact with the paper. And I'm thinking about endstops and contacts to know about paper level.


(the r0tring solution is temporary but it shows the technique I'd like to try)

23/05/2022 = Dirty first draft of the "paper feeding system" :

draft 1

Imagine a box a bit bigger than A4 format. it opens by the left on the top drawing (side view).

You put ~200 paper sheets in it then close it. The paper should touch the feeding cylinder covered with rubber.

This cylinder could have a gear directly at its bottom (seen at the bottom of the top view).

There would be additional wheels to keep the paper perfectly plane while the print head does its job in the "printing zone".

Once printed the paper sheet would go back on top of the "feeding box".


Of course the print head and its rod + belt are not yet here on this drawing.



Luis David Cam…

2 years 8 months ago

Here is a dirty draft with a general view of the future "2D" printer aka Paper printer.

The only open-source'able ink and well distributed is BLACK CHINA INK.

About the printing technique : I start from a rOtring head or old-school pen like on the left of this picture.

draft 3 on 3

Luis David Cam…

2 years 7 months ago

#OSHW #Paper #Printer update :

Printing without ink ? Already tested here : "HIGH-SPEED ELECTRIC-ARC PRINTING."


Luis David Cam…

1 year 3 months ago

Project not dead at all.

Been busy learning a new job...

Let's go ! Please contact me by e-mail if you'd like to help. I'm done crying because "nobody cares".

If you help me, you'll get credits. Otherwise, all the glory of this fight will be for meeeh ! gnihahahaa (evil laugh). >]

Seriously, anyone is welcome on this project.

Luis David Cam…

1 month 3 weeks ago

Hi, just a quick news on this subject :

I have a nice solution about moving from ink and paper to something else.

EMBOSSING is a very nice possibility.

The selection of the support is crucial.

BBL ! More infos quickly. =)

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