FREELANCE Webmaster : Luis David Campos Venâncio, aged 50.
Also known as "Meta_4", in video-games (playing Arma 3 KOTH Mod), and generally speaking on internet, this is my actual nickname, which I changed to reflect my new life in Portugal.
Professional Programmer since 1994, freelance since 1997 with some pauses like 1999 when I co-founded the ESWC ancestor : "LAN-Arena".
Read more about me on my LinkedIn profile or my "exact works list" which is more complete.
I have developed a loooOOOOoooot of websites, intranets, extranets, C and C++ programs, as a PAID SERVICE for many companies.
Moved from Paris in 2010, went live in Toulouse. Then in 2017 I changed to SANTIAGO-DO-CACÈM, which is a wonderfull small city located 150 km south of Lisbon, close to the coast.
Feel free to contact me at anytime and leave a message if possible or send me a complex question by e-mail..
I love critics and suggestions. Thanks You !
You can read more on my references page.
I discovered not long time ago this manifesto which I'm fond of :
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